Following the "1st EBSA BIOPHYSICS COURSE ON: Membrane Biophysics and Lipid-Protein Interaction" that was held in Bordeaux-Arcachon in 2010, we are launching the second edition for 2012.

The Course is dedicated to PhD students and young scientists and will take place in Lacanau, which is a very nice surf spot in the pine forest near Bordeaux, from June 24th to 29th.
You can see the program and details at http://www.cbmn.u-bordeaux.fr/EBSA2012/index.php?tab=1
Would you be kind enough to relay the information towards your national community.
Please note that we kept the fees low to allow a large student attendance (300€ covering course and full lodging and meals).

The 2010 edition was a great success, please encourage your PhD Students and young scientists to come to the course.



Antoinette Killian

EBSA secretary

on behalf of the organizers prof. Erick Dufourc and prof. Manuel Prieto

Dag van de Biofysica & Biomedische Technologie

Vrijdag 28 oktober in Wageningen

Graag nodigen we u uit voor de tweejaarlijkse wetenschappelijke bijeenkomst van de Vereniging voor Biofysica & Biomedische Technologie, die op vrijdag 28 oktober zal plaatsvinden in Wageningen.

We hebben een mooi, gevarieerd programma met uitstekende sprekers kunnen opzetten. De ochtendsessie staat in het teken van Biophysics of Locomotion. In de middag zijn er twee parallelle sessies met de thema's: Building the brain, a closer look at cell assembly and organization en Applied cardio-pulmonary physics. Aan het eind van de dag is de uitreiking de proefschriftprijs en een voordracht door de winnaar.

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IEEE TBME Letters Special Issue on “Multi-Scale Modeling and Analysis for Computational Biology and Medicine”

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME) is pleased to announce its Special Issue of TBME LETTERS on “Multi-scale Modeling and Analysis for Computational Biology and Medicine” scheduled for publication in September/October 2011. omputational modeling and analysis in biology and medicine have received major attention in recent years.

The interdisciplinary efforts developed so far aimed at elucidating structures and functions of living systems with major challenges in computational modeling and analysis to understand, analyze and predict the complex mechanisms of biological systems. Continued research investigations in computational biology and physiology have addressed important issues across many applications spanning from molecular dynamics, biological signaling pathways, cellular biology and communication, tissue mechanobiology, organ function and performance, systemic auto regulation, all the way up to lifestyle and environmental influence responses. Researchers are now beginning to address the grand challenge of multi-scale computational modeling and analysis: effectively capturing biological and physiological interdependencies across multiple observational scales –not only in time and space, but also in physico-chemical modality– and doing so in a computationally efficient manner.

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Proefschriftprijs van de Vereniging voor Biofysica en Biomedische Technologie


De prijs wordt iedere twee jaar uitgereikt voor het beste promotieonderzoek op het gebied van de biofysica en de biomedische technologie.


De prijs bestaat uit een oorkonde, alsmede een bedrag van € 2011,- vrij te besteden door de laureaat.

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Symposium on oration of Jelte Bos at the VU

Already happened