As you probably know, next days 20-24th July 2019 will take place the world-wide Biophysics Congress in Madrid (Spain), (
where the biannual European Biophysics Congress organized by EBSA and the triannual International Conference of Biological Physics (ICBP) organized by the Biological branch of IUPAP will converge for first time.
The deadline for early registration at reduced fee has been extended until May 7th, and a call for late abstracts has been opened to allow for additional communications to join the Congress.
The convergence of biologists, chemists, biophysicists and physicists has allowed to assemble a spectacular scientific program with the participation as speakers of first-line biophysicists from all over the world. The Congress will be opened Saturday July 20th, with a Plenary Lecture by sir Gregory Winter from Oxford, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2018. It will be closed Wednesday 24th with a lecture by Prof. Stefan Hell, from the Max-Planck in Göttingen, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2014.
In between, we will have Plenary Lectures by Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz (Janelia), Patricia Bassereau (Paris), Gregory Voth (Chicago), Eva Nogales (Berkeley), Julio Fernandez (Columbia), and Madan Rao (Bangalore).
Two additional Plenary Lectures will be delivered by the recent winners of the EBSA Prizes in 2019:
Prize Avanti/EBSA: Bruno Antonny, Marsella
EBSA Young Investigator Award: Pere Roca-Cusachs, Barcelona
The scientific program will be completed with the best cutting-edge Biophysics today, in symposia that will join talks and posters about:
Protein Folding
DNA Architecture and Gene Regulation
Biophysics of Cytoskeleton
Trafficking and Signalling
Membrane Structure and Dynamics
Cellular Proliferation
Non-Equilibrium Physics
Biomolecular Simulation
Macromolecular Complexes
Evolutionary Dynamics
Biophysics of Membrane Oxidation
Protein Structure and Function
Gene Network Dynamics and Signalling
New Frontiers in Bioimaging
Cell Membrane Biophysics
Mechanisms of Membrane Proteins
Single Molecule Biophysics
Biophysics of Immune Response
Live Imaging and Optical Microscopy
Active Matter and Biological Self-Organization
Ionic Liquids and Biomolecules
Lipid and Lipidome
Big Data in Biophysics
Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation in Biological Systems
Molecular Motors
Tissue Biophysics and Morphogenesis
The Congress will be also supported by the Biophysical Society, which will award Prizes to the best poster communications.
We are looking forward to having you all at the EBSA-IUPAP Congress Madrid 2019!
Jesus Perez-Gil, Chair of the Organizing Committee
Jesus Perez-Gil
Dept. Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular
Fac. Biologia, Universidad Complutense
28040 Madrid, Spain
Ph: +34 91 3944994
Fax: +34 91 3944672
May 15: Regular registration deadline.
All inclusive fee (590€): workshops and lectures, accommodation, meals, social events
May 15: Deadline for EBSA grants and COST support applications
May 30: Decision for EBSA grants and COST support
June 15: Regular fee extended deadline for the applicants not receiving support
University of Split, Faculty of Science & campus dorm
Zlatni Rat, Bol, Island of Brač
Registration is open, Student grants by EBSA and COST are available!
The School features 4 hands-on training courses along the introductory and advanced lectures by our distinguished Lecturers:
COST CM1306 Molecular Machines and NanoTemper: MST and nanoDSF Workshop on biomolecular interaction analytics
COST BM1403 Native Mass Spectrometry: identify pathogen and malignant cell strains by fingerprinting or even sequencing peptides by MS.
COST CA15126 ARBRE-MOBIEU workshop on AFM imaging and spectroscopy of biomacromolecules: the course uses the advanced machines by JPK, Bruker and Oxford Instruments.
Molecular dynamics simulations: setup your own simulation of a short peptide.
To All,
We are delighted to announce on behalf of the German Biophysical Society (DGfB), that Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany (Professor Claus Seidel, Institute for Molecular Physical Chemistry) will be hosting the Biennial Meeting of the German Biophysical Society in Düsseldorf, September 16–19, 2018 and the Satellite workshop "Advanced Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Imaging", September 19–20, 2018.
We expect about 300 attendees to participate in the meeting – from academic to industry and from young professionals to well-known experts. The Biennial Meeting of the German Biophysical Society will represent the perfect place for exchanging ideas, fruitful discussions, and extraordinary scientific sessions.
All necessary information can be found on our website.
Kind regards
Clarissa Strietzel
Team Congress Organization
event lab. GmbH
Dufourstr. 15
D-04107 Leipzig
Belgian Biophysical Society:
School on X-ray and Neutron Diffraction Techniques
28 May – 30 May 2018, VIB -UGent
Zwijnaarde (Gent), Belgium
Federico Forneris (University of Pavia)
Thomas Schneider (EMBL Hamburg c/o DESY)
Leonard Chavas (Synchrotron SOLEIL)
Isabelle Daniel (Université Claude Bernard Lyon1)
Lise Arleth (University of Copenhagen)
Paul Bernado (Centre de Biochimie Structurale, Montpellier)
Nicholas Brooks (Imperial College London)
Ian Robinson (University College London)
Arwen Pearson (Universität Hamburg)
Giorgio Schiro (Institut de Biologie Structurale, Grenoble)
Roland Winter (TU Dortmund)
Organizers: Filip Meersman, Kristof Van Hecke, Savvas Savvides
Namens het instituut QuantiVision nodig ik u uit voor het openingssymposium van het Instituut QuantiVision, een nieuw instituut voor medische optica en beeldbewerking van de universiteiten UvA en VU, en de ziekenhuizen AMC, NKI en VUmc, en bedrijfsleven. QuantiVision komt voort uit het Innovative Medical Device Initiative van NWO en ZonMW. Het openingssymposium wordt gehouden in de Piet Borst zaal van het NKI in Amsterdam, op woensdag 21 september, aanvang 9.30. Het bijna definitieve programma staat vermeld op onze website: Hierop kunt u zich ook aanmelden (gaarne voor 15 augustus) en vindt u tevens nadere informatie over QuantiVision. We kijken ernaar uit u op 21 september te mogen begroeten. Met vriendelijke groet, Namens het QuantiVision management team, Marcel van Herk, Theo Faes, Kees Grimbergen, Johannes de Boer, Jan de Munck Secretariaat QuantiVision: Sandrijn vam Roemburg-Rijven De Boelelaan 1081 1081 HV Amsterdam Tel 020-5987891 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.