14th International School of Biophysics, Croatia, 23/8-1/9 2018




May 15: Regular registration deadline.

All inclusive fee (590€): workshops and lectures, accommodation, meals, social events


May 15: Deadline for EBSA grants and COST support applications

May 30: Decision for EBSA grants and COST support

June 15: Regular fee extended deadline for the applicants not receiving support


University of Split, Faculty of Science & campus dorm


Zlatni Rat, Bol, Island of Brač

Registration is open, Student grants by EBSA and COST are available!

The School features 4 hands-on training courses along the introductory and advanced lectures by our distinguished Lecturers:

COST CM1306 Molecular Machines and NanoTemper: MST and nanoDSF Workshop on biomolecular interaction analytics

COST BM1403 Native Mass Spectrometry: identify pathogen and malignant cell strains by fingerprinting or even sequencing peptides by MS.

COST CA15126 ARBRE-MOBIEU workshop on AFM imaging and spectroscopy of biomacromolecules: the course uses the advanced machines by JPK, Bruker and Oxford Instruments.

Molecular dynamics simulations: setup your own simulation of a short peptide.