Dutch Biophysics 2020, on October 5 and 6 was for the first time in history DIGITAL and it was a great success. More than 400 researchers took part in the conference. This conference is co-organized by NWO Domain Science (ENW), the Netherlands Society for Microscopy, the Dutch Society of Cell Biology and the Society for Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering (BIOPM).
BIOPM sponsored two key prizes: the poster prize and the annual thesis prize.
The Thesis Prize for the best PhD thesis in Biophysics or Biomedical Engineering 2020 was awarded to João Silva for his thesis “Towards the physiologically relevant state with high-resolution solid state NMR”. He defended his thesis cum laude at the University of Utrecht on 13 November 2019 and is now working at MIT.
Thesis award winner 2020: Joao Medeiros Silva
Poster Prizes for the best posters at the conference 2020.
The best posters were selected in a two-step process. First a shortlist was made from votes by attendees in the conference app, from this shortlist a jury selected the top 3. All posters were of high quality, so choosing was not easy, but a top 3 selection had te be made.
The Poster Prize for the best poster at the conference was awarded to Lucia Baldauf (TU Delft) “Teamwork in motor protein filaments”. The second price was for Rob de Haas (Wageningen University and Research), the third price for Oane Gros (University Utrecht).
Congratulations to all the prize winners!