Dutch Biophysics 2018, on October 1st and 2nd in the Koningshof Veldhoven, was a great success. This conference is co-organized by NWO Domain Science (ENW), the Netherlands Society for Microscopy, the Dutch Society of Cell Biology and the Society for Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering (BIOPM).
More participants then previous years participated in the conference and discussing their latest research, in plenary lectures and parallel sessions.
BIOPM sponsored two key prizes: the poster prize and the annual thesis prize.
The Thesis Prize for the best PhD thesis in Biophysics or Biomedical Engineering 2018 was awarded to Yusaku.Hontani for his thesis “Photoreaction dynamics of functional photoreceptor proteins”. He defended his thesis successfully at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam on 4 July 2018.
Thesis award winner 2018: Yusaku Hontani [Photo: Thijs ter Hart ]
The Poster Prizes for the best posters at the conference were awarded to:
Poster award winner 2018: Vakil Takhaveev (RUG) [Photo: Thijs ter Hart ]
The selection was done using a voting app by the participants of the conference.
Congratulations to all the prize winners!